Thursday, May 19, 2011

Grocery List!

Hey Tone it Up ladies. Hope you all had a wonderful Thursday, thank goodness tomorrow is Friday! Today was a decent day overall. For breakfast I had a half cup of cereal with skim milk because I needed a slight energy boost and I find that it gives me energy during the morning. For lunch I had some fresh cut celery and carrott sticks and a quarter cup of soup! This is probably one of my favourite lunches to bring with me. When I got home I had an apple for a snack and for dinner I had a turkey wrap and a side of salad which was fanatstic because I added peperchini peppers for a little kick! Unfortunately I pulled something in the side of my back so i'm taking a rest from my workouts tonight, hopefully i'll be up for my bootycall tomorrow!
I went grocery shopping today and bought some new things to try. Along with my regular green tea I also decided to pick up mint green tea which I am currently sipping on while I write this and I must say it tastes fanastic! Another new item I picked up was Avacado hummus which I cannot wait to try tomorrow in my lunch with the broccoli and celery I bought. I would also like to mention that I finally found larabars! I didn't buy any this time but I can't wait to pick up a couple next time i'm out. Those are just a few small things that I picked up today while I was out but there are other things that I always have with me.

Here's the List!
Starwberries - you can add them to almost anything (salad, wraps, oatmeal ect.) Plus they're freat on their own for a snack!
Blueberries - So full of antioxidants that are great for your body, I add them to my oatmeal everyday.
Oatmeal  - A nice source of soulable fibre to start the day right.
Lettuce - You can make a salad out of anything and it's super quick and easy.
Bellpeppers - Each colour has a different taste that adds flavour to tons of things, eat them raw for a snack or sauted with your chicken.
Green tea - Perfect for when you want a hot beverage that's not calorie packed!
Lemons! - I add it to my water everyday for flavour!
Soup - I use canned soup, low sodium and sugar and is extremely low cal. Great for when i'm tight on time in the morning because I can throw it in a container and heat it up in the microwave at lunch.
Apples - Easy when your on the go because it takes little to no preparation at all, I usually grab one as I head out the door in the morning.

1 comment:

  1. Oats, Green tea, lettuce and apples are always on my list :D
